Through conferences and thematic workshops, this exhibition show should focus on current and achievable results for Cameroon and other African countries, through case study presentations of some countries in some regions that have had a successful green revolution. It will be for this sector to:
- Facilitate South / South and North / South trade through targeted cooperation agreements and partnerships.
- Better understand the means of making an essential contribution to the design of Cameroon’s agricultural development, the gateway to Central Africa, and also to some models of other geographical regions, so as to draw the attention of governments to answers and recommendations that would allow them to better understand the problems and take the challenges of the second generation of agriculture in Cameroon and other countries in order to make Cameroon “an emerging country by 2035”.
- Introduce and implement the Kaizen strategy.
- Appropriate the techniques and methods of cultivation and the material to be used for the development of parcels of farmland.
- Encourage and sustain the development of agricultural machinery, the manufacture of small agricultural processing equipment, irrigation equipment and water control for the Sahelian zones.
- Regularly present progress in the food industry and make significant assessment.
- Encourage the participation of producers and distributors of food products from Cameroon, the Gulf of Guinea, ECCAS and the Great Lakes.
- Promote local innovation through a competition to encourage the creative genius of Cameroon, the Gulf of Guinea, ECCAS and the inventors of the Great Lakes region.
The Opportunities of Agriculture;
The agricultural sector occupies a prominent place in the Cameroonian economy with a major share of 14.1% of GDP and a high level of employability of nearly 70% of the active population in 2008. In addition, it accounts for more than ¾ of primary sector exports caused by the sharp improvement in food production. Cameroon is located in the Gulf of Guinea. It is located between the 2nd and 13th degrees of North latitude, and the 9th and 16th degrees of East longitude. The country can be divided into five agro-ecological zones different from each other by their rainfall and soil characteristics, presented in the following chart :
To achieve these development goals, Cameroon is determined, as part of its growth policy, to take strong actions to facilitate the task for economic operators. In fact, apart from the achievement of numerous programs and projects for the development of priority sectors, the process of identification and planning of agro-pastoral zones is currently completed by the Ministry in charge of land affairs. An industrial free zone regime has also been created to facilitate the installation of agro-export industries, and tax and customs measures taken to ensure the availability of agricultural inputs and equipments.
Areas | Area
Pluviometry | Soils
single-mode forest
45,658 km2
2,500 to 4,000 mm / year
Monomodal regime |
Volcanic slope
Cocoa, banana, coffee, plantain, palm oil, pepper, ginger
bimodal forest
165,770 km2
1,500 to 2,000mm / year 2 distinct wet seasons | Acid, clay, ferralitic
Cocoa, coffee, palm oil, cassava, plantain, corn, pineapple |
31,192 km2
1,500 to 2,000mm / year
180 days of rain
Very fertile for farming | Cocoa, coffee, corn, potato, gardening, bean
High savanna
123,077 km2
1,500mm / year
150 days of rain |
Permeable, water retention capacity
Corn, cotton, potato, millet-sorghum, yam
100,353 km2
400 to 1,200 mm / year
High diversity, ferruginous, laundry | Cotton, millet-sorghum, cowpeas, onion, sesame
Investment opportunities are available in the following fields :
- Production and marketing of agricultural inputs (fertilizers and pesticides)
- Agricultural equipments
- Processing of cocoa and coffee
- Sea fishing industry
- Production of intensive crops
- Processing and derivatives of juices
- Processing of palm and coconut oil
- Farms
- Canning and other initiatives (tomatoes, etc.)
- Conservation and local processing of agricultural products.
- The development of these industries will have a great impact, with regard to the national and sub-regional markets, and the large capacities of the productive base.