The Tourism and Leisure Showroom is divided into eight different sectors or areas. The following subsectors will be represented:
- Housing: is one of the largest and one of the most dynamic sectors of the tourism industry;
- Adventure and leisure tourism: possibility for a customer to register if he seeks an active or recreational experience. He makes an adventure trip where he can learn about nature and or culture.
- Learning of national languages: Cameroon has a very dense cultural and linguistic diversity. Nearly 200 languages. The curious tourist may choose to learn one of the languages of this country : Duálá, Ɓàsàa, Búlu. An experience that he can pursue later via distance learning.
- Attraction: a place of interest for the quality of its natural presentation on cultural value, historical significance, natural or artificial beauty offering hobbies, adventures, games and medical services for older travellers.
- Catering: Services to applicants in dedicated establishments, in transport and other business trips.
The Ministry of Tourism and the various economic operators of the sector work from day to day to achieve this objective. So it is planned:
The building of many monuments, for instance “The Mother of Humanity” which could attract nearly 12 million tourists a year.
Arbitration of major events such as:
- The 33nd edition of the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) which will take place June/July 2021 which for the first time will host 24 football teams and many fans from Africa, not forgetting the football lovers from Europe. For the final stage, five cities were selected: Bafoussam in the Western Region, Douala in the Littoral Region, Garoua in the North, Limbe in the South West and the capital Yaounde and Cameroon waits for nearly 1 million tourists.
For example, it said over $ 350 billion of foreign investment went in the tourism sector in 2016; this represents more than 9% of overall investment in the sector. It is also said about more than 140,000 direct jobs were created in 2016 through the tourism sector, which represents a 2.7% contribution to national employment. Of course, there are several activities to take into account, such as aviation, hotels, catering, travel agencies and even leisure activities that are starting to make their mark.
We can also mention the presence of tourist sites such as:
- The national parks (Waka, Benoue, Boumba-Beck …),
- The seaside resorts (Kribi, Limbe …),
- The falls (Ekom-Nkam, Lobe, Mami-wata …),
- The lakes (twin lakes …),
- Mount Cameroon, 4,095 meters altitude
Investment opportunities in Cameroon. Many investment opportunities for a contribution to the development of the tourism sector are in:
- Building of new road infrastructures for a good movement of people
- Building of monuments for the beautification of cities and regions
- Improvement of urban transport nationally and internationally
- Digitalisation project of ticketing services for tourist agencies
- Development and management of electronic services for quick exchanges even in distance
- Promotion of tourism through tourism training
- Strengthening logistics to reach an international standard
- Development of new parks and tourist sites
- Extension of the hotel sector and catering to the international standard
- Improvement of health and hospital infrastructures for the quick and safe handling of tourists and locals.
- The development of ecotourism through the training of ecologists